BlackBerry PlayBook To Come in Jakarta By Special Bus Design
BlackBerry PlayBook scheduled to come in Jakarta by special Bus design, tomorrow.
Yes, RIM already planned to introduce their new tablet to the Indonesia on 25 April for a day at Lapangan Parkir Timur Senayan in the morning and Central Park Mall Jakarta in the afternoon and evening.
Indonesia is one of the important market of RIM so it is reasonable if RIM introduced the BlackBerry PlayBook soon after US.
BlackBerry PlayBook is the first RIM tablet that available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB version that it is priced about USD500, USD600 and USD700 in Best Buy Canada.
RIM seem like to make a success just like their smartphone in Indonesia.
Keyword: harga, price, spesifikasi, specification, showcase, display of BlackBerry PlayBook Lapangan Parkir Timur Senayan and Central Park Mall Jakarta Indonesia 25 April, BlackBerry PlayBook By Bus Jakarta