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Pre-Order Nokia N8 Comes With Music Suport

Pre-Order Nokia N8 Comes With Music Suport

During October 4-10, Nokia open again the last pre-order of Nokia N8 after following out of stock of pre-order online in two weeks (September 20 – October 10).
The price offer is the same as 4, 950,000 Rupiah.
While Telkomsel bundled Nokia N8 with unlimited Telkomsel Data Rp 50,000 per week or Rp 120,000 for 30 days.
The Symbian^3 OS phone would come in video HD quality, surround sound Dolby Digital Plus technology and Comes With Music support.

tag: Cara Pre-Order Nokia N8, Handphone Nokia, Harga Nokia N8, Harga Pre-Order Nokia N8, Nokia N8 price, Nokia N8 Specification, Ponsel Nokia, Pre-Order Nokia N8 di gerai Resmi Nokia, Pre-Order Nokia N8 Indonesia, Pre-Order Nokia N8 Oktober, Pre-Order Nokia N8 Price, Pre-Order Nokia N8 Telkomsel, Specification Nokia N8

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