Samsung Champ C3300K With Camera 1.3 MPix
Vendor: Samsung
Product Name: Samsung Champ C3300K
Price Projection: USD100-USD150
Expected Available: June 2010 in Middel East, Latin America, Asia and Europe
Specifications at glance:
-multimedia playback
-microSD card slot up to 8GB
-radio or music with 3D sound effects through the stereo speakers
-1.3 megapixel camera with recording QCIF videos at 15fps
-3.5 mm jack audio
-social networking access integration and Java support
tag: Harga Samung Champ, Harga Samsung C3300K, Samsung Champ C3300KSpecification, Samsung Champ C3300KSpesifikasi, Samsung Champ C3300KReview, Samsung Champ C3300KPreview, Ponsel Samsung, Handphone Samsung, Samsung Champ C3300KMiddle East, Samsung Champ C3300KLatin America, Samsung Champ C3300KAsia , Samsung Champ C3300KEurope, Samsung Camp Price, Samsung C300K Price, Samsung Champ C3300K Indonesia