CSL Blueberry i6800 Online Phone With Islamic Feature
CSL Blueberry i6800 is online phone with Islamic features and designed QWERTY.
The price of CSL Blueberry i6800 is reachable which is about 599,000 rupiah.
CSL Blueberry i6800 online application that can be access are for instance Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Opera Mini and Google.
The other of CSL Blueberry i6800 specifications are MP3 dan MP4 player, FM Radio , camera digital, slot microSD, and islamic features
tag: Harga CSL Blueberry i6800, CSL Blueberry i6800 Price, Spesifikasi CSL Blueberry i6800, CSL Blueberry i6800 Specification, Ponsel Csl, Handphone Csl