K-Touch E329 Smart With Shake & Play Feature
The price of K-Touch E329 is arount 1.36 million rupiah.
The advantage of K-Touch E329 for example Dual On GSM/EVDO 3.5 G, Touchscreen and candy bar.
However, K-Touch E329 also has disadvantage which is not QWERTY.
Here are the specs at glance: Dual on GSM-EVDO 3.5G, EVDO REV.A 3.1 mbps, Touchscreen, RUIM-SIM Card, Camera 2 MPx, Opera Mini, Bluetooth and Shake & Play
tag: Harga K-Touch E329, K-Touch GSM/EVDO Smart, Ponsel Smart, Ponsel K-Touch, Handphone K-Touch, Handphone Smart, Spesifikasi K-Touch E329, K-Touch E329 Specification, Kelebihan & Kekurangan K-Touch E329,Advantage and Disadvantage